
Unveiling the Truth: Does Teeth Whitening Actually Work?

Teeth Whitening

The first thing people notice about you is your precious smile 🙂 And in today’s image-conscious world, a bright, white smile is often seen as a hallmark of good health and confidence. 

So, there is nothing special to say that people are chasing teeth whitening for a sparkling, brilliant smile. Now, teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic treatment. It is commonly associated with youthfulness and good oral hygiene. But there are several factors behind it.

However, there are some myths and misconceptions about teeth whitening that make it difficult for patients to make an informed decision. But with so many products and procedures available, it’s natural to wonder: does teeth whitening actually work?

Today, we’ll help you know the effectiveness of teeth whitening and the different methods available so you better take care of your teeth.

Understanding Teeth Whitening and How Does It Work?

Some foods, drinks (like coffee & tea), smoking, and medications lead to tooth discolouration due to staining or plaque buildup. Tooth discolouration is also caused due to enamel thinning.

Teeth whitening is a process that lightens the colour of your teeth, helping to remove stains and discolouration. This can be achieved at the dentist’s office by professional teeth whitening. Also, it can be achieved at home by using over-the-counter products.


It is important to know the reason behind the discolouration, i.e., stains. Stains can be of two types – intrinsic or extrinsic.

Intrinsic stains occur on the deeper surface of the tooth and are caused by aging, fluoride ingestion, certain medications, or trauma to the tooth. While extrinsic stains are caused by food, drinks (like coffee, tea, and red wine), tobacco, and poor oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening treatments generally come with bleaching agents such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. These agents break down stains into smaller molecules, making the colour less concentrated and your teeth brighter.

Types of Teeth Whitening

1) Professional Teeth Whitening

  • In-office Teeth Whitening: This method is the quickest and most effective way for teeth whitening. Medical-grade teeth whiteners have high concentrations of bleaching agents, hence they bring immediate better results. Also, sometimes, this effect can be further enhanced by a laser or special light. In-office teeth whitening is effective and fast, hence it is quite expensive.
  • At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits: Dentists give custom-fitted trays and professional-grade whitening gel & pens to patients for home use. While not as immediate as in-office treatments, these at-home teeth whitening kits offer significant whitening over a few weeks.

2) Over-the-Counter Products

OTC products can be purchased online and used at home easily such as whitening toothpastes and whitening strips & gels. They’re convenient to use but are less effective as compared to at-home teeth whitening and in-office teeth whitening.

Effectiveness and Expectations

Teeth whitening can be highly effective, but the outcome can vary based on several factors such as the type of stain, the initial colour of teeth, and the method that has been used.

  • Extrinsic stains are easier to remove than intrinsic stains. 
  • The initial colour of your teeth can influence how much whitening can be achieved. If the initial colour was cream, so the sparkling, it can be challenging to get the white, brightening teeth. 
  • And if the professional teeth whitening treatment has been used, so the bright white teeth can be expected.

It is better to know the truth than to keep fooling yourself even after knowing it. So set realistic expectations. 

As professional teeth whitening treatments are fast and effective, they don’t last long. The results can fade over time, especially if you continue to consume staining substances. Also, teeth whitening can lighten your teeth, but it may not achieve a pure, bright white for everyone.

Side Effects and Safety Considerations

People ask – Are there any side effects occur from teeth whitening?


Increased tooth sensitivity and mild gum irritation can be side effects of teeth whitening. But don’t worry, teeth whitening is safe if done correctly and carefully. But if you still experience any side effects, consult with your dentist and follow the instructions provided on the whitening product you used.

Is Teeth Whitening Worth It?

Teeth Whitening Comparison

For many people, teeth whitening is an effective way to enhance their smile and boost their confidence. While the effectiveness can vary, especially with different types of stains and products. 

If you’re considering teeth whitening, consult your dentist to find the best and safest option for you. With the right approach, you can get a whiter, more radiant smile.

Contact BARE Skin & Beauty

The primary goal of qualified beauty professionals at BARE Skin & Beauty is to improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence in your smile. We at BARE Skin & Beauty, offer the best aesthetic and beauty treatments for the face, body, and teeth in Perth, Australia.


Contact us today and get Professional Teeth Whitening with FREE LED Light Therapy. Yes FREE!

Why BARE Skin & Beauty?

Here are the benefits you’ll get:

  • FREE LED Light Therapy with all teeth whitening 40-minute treatments
  • A cost-effective teeth whitening treatment
  • Instant difference in teeth whitening 

Don’t think too much about it. Click here and book an inquiry.


Till then, keep smiling 🙂

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