The role of stress in skin health and how to manage it
The role of stress in skin health and how to manage it
We have all heard the effect that stress has on our body, both physically and mentally. But have you ever given consideration how it effects your skin? occasional break outs can be put down to our life stresses and aren’t actually anything that you’r actually doing to your skin or putting on your skin. We look at how your skin is effected by stress, the reason why and how you can attempt to reduce your stress levels for more reliable glowing skin.
Understanding the connection between stress and skin problems
We all experience stress in our lives and we all deal with stress differently. Infact we all have our own stress ceiling where we are rather comfortable until we reach that amount of stress. Unfortunately there is no way of telling what our stress ceiling is, so it’s best for our health and our skin to maintain our stress with things we enjoy in life. This could be a relaxing walk, a massage or a facial. It might also include talking to someone and allowing them to help with your stress. When our bodies get a larger than normal amount of stress we experience a hormone called cortisol. While cortisol is important for a healthy functioning body if high levels or stress are reached an increase of cortisol is released and this reduces our skins immune system which means trouble for our skin.
The impact of stress hormones on skin health
Hi levels of stress can result in our immune system creating inflammation as a result of the stress. This inflammation can increase skin sensitivity, increase oil production that results in acne or increase in acne and skin concerns such as rosacea to increase. Excess stress can also have an impact on our lifestyle and habits. It might mean decreased exercise which keeps our body fresh and blood pumping. Increase in alcohol or other drugs which have a major effect on our skin and can also increase stress levels long term. It can even result in skin reactions such as histamine reactions that you normally don’t experience at other times.
The importance of self-care in managing stress and skin health
It is essential to manage stress for your health and your skin. taking time out for yourself allows you to even see stressful issues in a different light and might reduce the stress at the source level. So what can be done to manage stress?
One important one is getting enough sleep. Sleep is important to help your rejuvenate and prepare your body for the next day. An interesting fact is that sleep is also when our memories get stored so issues that involve remembering certain things can benefit immensely from enough sleep.
When you dont have enough sleep you look tired and worne out, your skin around your eyes are generally darker and your face as a whole drops. Not getting enough sleep can results in acne, dullness and fine lines.
As mentioned above exercise is important, one of my big go to hobbies when I am stressed is going for a walk, not only does the exercise help your blood circulate but it also allows your brain to rest and focus on the surroundings. This can often result in resolutions for your concerns.
Exercise also helps your skin get enough oxygen from your blood pumping and help carry away toxins from the environment.
Another great option is booking in for a facial. The facial can help you meditate and take your mind off things just long enough for you to figure out the solution. It will also help your skin look optimum so you will instantly have 1 less thing to worry about.
Facials To Help Take Your Mind Off Things.