
Skin Consultation

Book your Skin Consultation at Bare Skin and Beauty don’t trust anyone with your skin until they have given you a FULL skin consult using nothing less than an advanced imaging system.

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Imaging Modes

  • Day light – This mode will show a true image of what the client sees in the mirror.
  • Cross Polarization – This mode provides an unparalleled view below the skin’s surface. At the touch of a button, vascular, pigmentation and/or inflammation disorders become visible to the eye.
  • Parallel-polarization – This technology mode enhances the skin’s surface texture, fine lines, wrinkles, excess keratinisation, enlarged pores and blackheads, in high detail.
  • True UV – Will show sun damage, oil flow, blocked pores, porphyrin, under lying pigmentation and age spots.
  • Woods – This mode allows us to obtain a clearer, more contrasting and detailed image of the above mode.
  • Complexion – This mode is a generated image of all the images combined to showcase what could be in 15 years!

By using the Observ skin analysis machine we can pick up on skin types and skin conditions that other salons can’t

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What Consultations For Me

Skincare Product Consultations

Not all skincare is designed for your type of skin so its important to get the right info or you could end up wasting a lot of money and just wasting skincare products that dont work. Our Skincare Product Consultations will look at and analyze your skin, recommend the best products for you and your skin and explain what the difference is between skincare ranges including skincare ranges in different price brackets.

Skin Treatment Consultations

Get the perfect treatment for your skin. Our Skin Treatment Consultations are a lot like our skincare consultations but we will advice on the different treatments for your skin type and why to avoid treatments that are not suitable for you. We will also give you a breakdown on the skincare we recommend for you but focus more on treatments in this consultation.

Full Skin Routine Consultations

This consultation lets us know that your serious about your skins health and allows us to go above and beyond when recommending treatments, skincare and diet recommendations. Looking to start a good skin journey then start here!

Pricing For Skin Consultation

Prices are subject to change, for current prices and bookings, book now.

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Skincare Consultation

Free with any skincare purchase


Skin Treatment Consultation

Free with any Skin Treatment


Full Skin Treatment Regime

Free with any Skin Treatment Regime


Unsure what you need? Book a skin consultation and we will tailor a personalised custom treatment based on your skin needs.

We offer a complimentary skin consultation with all skincare purchases or skin treatments. Our advanced digital imaging system shows skin concerns in a different light and is the ONLY way to correctly diagnose what your skin needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to use a salon that uses advanced imaging machines like the observ when doing skin consults??

When diagnosing skin it is important to acquire accurate information about your skin. Unfortunately the human eyes or basic lighting boxes cant provide much insight so it is important for any professional to use an advanced imaging system in order to give correct treatment and skincare recommendations.

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